U.S.-Russia Relations
A. Official Documents
I. Background
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were the
main protagonists in the confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
The two countries considered each other to be their main enemy. After the
dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the relationship between Russia
and the US has undergone substantial changes. Both countries today publicly
define their relationship as a "strategic partnership", a largely vague
term presumably intended to obscure dissensions within this relationship.
Indeed, US-Russian interface is characterised by different approaches to
international security and an enormous difference in economic strength.
This section outlines the approaches of the United States and the Russian
Federation towards each other. It will present a number of documents containing
the general guidelines for bilateral relations with a focus on the security
dimension, but regards the economic dimension as well.
For further information about relations between NATO and Russia, please
refer to the following category:
1. The United States of America
1.1 George Bush Administration (1989-1993)
The administration under US President George Bush Sr. tried to establish
a new relationship with the Russian Federation based on the above-mentioned
concept of a "Strategic Partnership". Bush and Yeltsin held their first
meeting following the dissolution of the Soviet Union at Camp David in
December 1991, which resulted in a joint declaration stating that the two
countries no longer "regarded each other as potential adversaries."
The second joint declaration states the common point of view that "defense
conversion is a key challenge of the post Cold War era and essential for
building a democratic peace".
See relevant excerpts of the declarations of the two Bush-Yeltsin summits:
Declaration, 1st summit, Camp David, February 1st, 1992
Declaration on Defense Conversion, 2nd summit, Washington, June 17th,
For statements of G. Bush and B. Yeltsin, see Speeches
1.2 Bill Clinton Administration (1993-2001)
The administration under US President Bill Clinton searched for new
fields of cooperation. The Russian Federation was confronted with several
serious problems, such as a dramatic decline in economic and political
strength and secessionist movements on its own territory. Accordingly,
the Clinton Administration's aim was to support Yeltsin both politically
and economically in order to avoid reactionist tendencies within the Russian
Federation. During the first stage of this policy efforts were directed
at ensuring nuclear safety within the region, and later expanded into areas
such as economic, scientific and educational cooperation.
The following excerpts from official documents describe the U.S.
approach to Russia:
A number of political declarations and statements were also produced at
the Clinton-Yeltsin summits, such as the Vancouver
Declaration of April 4th, 1993 or the Moscow
Declaration of January 15th, 1994. Russia stressed its commitment to
democracy, rule of law and market economy while the United States reaffirmed
its support for the reforms in Russia.
Russia and the United States agreed in three statements on European
On June 3-5th, 2000, U.S. President B. Clinton and Russian President V.
Putin held a summit in Moscow, which did not produce any breakthroughs.
The statements issued deal with proliferation and disarmament issues. It
should also be noted that the idea for a U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghanistan
was developed. Both presidents were concerned how to deal with the Taliban
support of narcotics production and terrorist activities.
US-Russia Working Group on Afghanistan:
See also the Joint
Statement on Strategic Stability, adopted at the Clinton-Putin meeting
in the context of the G8 summit in Okinawa on June 23rd, 2000.
1.3 George W. Bush Administration (since January 2001)
The administration under George W. Bush is still in the process of defining
its policy towards Russia. Tensions between the two countries have arisen
because, in contrast to the Clinton administration, Bush displays a clear
preference for unilateral approaches to international relations. Asserting
national strategic and economic interests are at the top of the administration's
list of priorities, while adherence to multilateral conventions are increasingly
regarded as obstructive to the accomplishment of U.S. policy goals.
Not many official documents concerning U.S. policy on Russia have been
released by the Bush administration. The first two meetings held between
Presidents Bush and Putin only produced a Joint Statement about establishing
Russian-American business dialogue, which is reproduced under Economic
Relations. In the wake of the incidents of September 11th, 2001 and
the following campaign against terrorism, attempts of the two administrations
to foster cooperation increased. The first product was the Joint
Statement on Counterterrorism issued at the APEC-summit in Shanghai
on October 21st, 2001.
On the first stop of Putin's visit to the USA, the two presidents issued
a number of joint statements on the state of U.S.-Russian relations, transborder
crime, bioterrorism, Afghanistan, the Middle East and the mutual economic
relations (reproduced in II.2.):
See the section Speeches for transcripts of the press
conferences with G. W. Bush and V. Putin following their meetings.
The next summit will take place in Moscow and St. Petersburg on 23-26
May 2002. It is called upon to enhance Russia-USA coordination on key international
problems, including questions of disarmament and nonproliferation and the
joint struggle against terrorism, and expand bilateral cooperation in various
While the U.S.-Russia Working Group on Afghanistan remained as formal
and without detailed agreements as during Clinton's term, the terrorist
strikes on September 11th, 2001 definitely changed the conduct. This is
due to the accelerated engagement of the U.S. in the country of concern,
i.e. Afghanistan and the mutual agreement of both states to fight terrorism.
The latter also resulted in a broader discussion of terrorism in the February
2002 Session in Washington.
3rd Session,
Washington D.C., May 25th, 2001
Session, Moscow, September 19th, 2001
4th Session (no statement issued)
5th Session,
Moscow, November 1st, 2001
6th Session,
Washington, February 8th, 2002
2. The Russian Federation
2.1 The Boris Yeltsin Administration (1991 - 1999)
The U.S. policy to the Yeltsin administration can be divided into two
different periods. Initially, Yeltsin tried to integrate Russia into the
Western community. This was done for two reasons: Firstly, the country
was dependent on Western financial support. Secondly, Yeltsin personally
needed Western backing because he was engaged in a power struggle with
both communist and nationalist movements. The Basic
Provision of the Military Doctrine of November 2nd, 1993 stems from
this phase of the Yeltsin Administration. Notably, this document states
that the Russian Federation regards no state as its enemy.
In 1996 there was a paradigm shift in Russian foreign policy, which
was based upon the notion that national interests should take pre-eminence
over Russia's integration into the West. In this second phase of the Yeltsin
administration, Russia started to define a vision of a multipolar world
order, which was subsequently consolidated under the Putin Administration.
2.2 The Vladimir Putin Administration (since 2000)
The three core Russian foreign policy documents adopted at the beginning
of Putin's tenure present the vision of a multipolar world, with Russia
exerting a strong influence on its "near abroad" - the former members of
the Soviet Union. In the future, Russia also sees itself playing a major
role in the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.
The National
Security Concept of January 10th, 2000 concludes that a strategy of
unilateral action has a destabilising effect upon international security.
It explicitly criticises the unauthorised use of force by NATO against
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and by a US/UK coalition against
Iraq. Russia denounces them as an infringement upon international law which
endangers international security. For the first time since the end of the
Cold War, Russia has declared that it regards the United States' unilateral
acts as a major threat to the position of the Russian Federation in the
international system, and even to its national security.
With regards to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), the National Security
Concept points to the dangers of proliferation. However, it does not exclude
the use of nuclear weapons in the case of a strike against Russia with
non-nuclear WMD. This provision can be seen to be in line with NATO's Strategic
Concept of November 1991, which did not - in contrast to the London Declaration
- explicitly exclude the first use of nuclear weapons.
For the official Russian perspective on relations with the U.S., see
relevant excerpts of the
II. Economic Relations
The U.S. intends to encourage the strengthening of democracy and economic
stability, particularly through the implementation of a functioning market
economy in Russia. Many U.S. enterprises also see Russia as a source of
profitable investment opportunities. So it is worth taking a glance at
how the U.S. tries to positively influence Russian economic development,
primarily through international financial institutions and bilateral cooperation.
1. International Organisations
While its economic strength permits the U.S. to greatly influence the
politics of international financial institutions, the Russian Federation
strongly depends on their financial support. At the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), for example, the U.S. has 17.49 % of total votes, whereas Russia
has only 2.76 % of total votes. No state donates more resources to
the IMF than the U.S., and no state receives more reserve assets from the
IMF than Russia. The situation repeats itself in the World Bank: the number
of votes is distributed according to the quantity of contributions. As
such, the U.S. controls 16.95% of total votes, while Russia controls only
2.8 %.
Although IMF and the World Bank observe a positive economic development
to have occured within Russia in the last 18 months, this present situation
is not predicted to change in the near future.
IMF: Financial Position in the Fund: Russian
Federation and United
World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development): Country
Briefing Russia, April 2001
2. Bilateral Assistance Programmes
Two treaties are central to U.S.-Russian economic cooperation: the first
one is the Agreement
on Trade Relations which entered into force in 1992. It aims at improving
access to their respective markets, the expansion and promotion of trade
and more active business co-operation.
An institutionalised framework for bilateral economic co-operation
was set up as a result of successful cooperation during the presidencies
of Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin. In their Vancouver Summit declaration
of April 1993, the Presidents founded the U.S.-Russian
Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation. As it was
chaired by Vice-President Al Gore and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin,
it is generally known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin-Commission. Its original
mandate was to advance cooperation in the areas of energy and space, but
it soon expanded to cover business development, defence conversion, the
environment, science and technology, health, and agriculture. Various programmes
of assistance were funded by the U.S.. For further information about bilateral
cooperation, please see annual
reports of U.S. Government assistance to and cooperation with the New
Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
B. Speeches
Remarks by RF Deputy Foreign Minister A.Yu. Meshkov at the
Institute of Applied International Studies on the Topic of "Priorities
in Russian-US Relations" , Moscow, May 17, 2002
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation A. Meshkov: Speech
at the Institute of Applied International Studies, Moskow, 17 May 2002
US President G.W. Bush and Russian President V. Putin: Press
Conference at the White House, Washington, 13 November 2001
US President G.W. Bush and Russian President V. Putin: Press
Conference after APEC summit on fight against terrorism, Shanghai,
21 October 2001
US Secretary of Defense D. Rumsfeld: Press
Conference following visit to Moscow, Washington, 10 August 2001
US President G.W. Bush and Russian President V. Putin: Press
Conference after G8 summit on bilateral meeting, Genoa, 22 July 2001
First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF S. Fisher: International
Economic Policy under the Clinton Administration, Harvard University,
27 June 2001
US President G.W. Bush and Russian President V. Putin: Press
Conference at Brdo Castle, Slovenia, 16 June 2001
US President G.W. Bush: Speech
at the Warsaw University, 15 June 2001
Ivanov, I.: Press
Conference in Washington, 19 May 2001
Bush, G. W.: Speech
to the National Defense University, 1 May 2001
Moore, M.: Russia, the international economy
and the World Trade Organization, Moscow, 30 March 2001
US President G. Bush and Russian President B. Yeltsin: Press
Conference, Camp David, February 1992
C. Parliamentary and Inter-Parliamentary
Russian Capital Flight,
Economic Reforms, and U.S. Interests: An Analysis, CRS Report, 10 March
Based on the premise that economic stability and political
stability are causally related, this report outlines pros and cons of US
options to encourage and influence economic reforms in Russia. It concludes
that in the end, whether Russia undertakes sufficient economic reform to
develop a functioning market economy (and thus decreases the possibility
of Russia as a national security threat to the US) will mainly be determined
by Russia alone.
D. Research and Policy Reports
Relations: A New Strategic Partnership, Nixon Center, January 2002
is to be Undone? A Russia Policy Agenda for the New Administration,
Nixon Center Briefing Note, 15 February 2001
The Report argues for a normalization of US foreign policy
towards Russia. On the one hand it recommends to be less intrusive in Russian
domestic affairs, whilst on the other hand it favours a policy based primarliy
on US - not Russian - interests: ABM-Treaty modification and NATO enlargement
whether or not an agreement with Russia is reached.
Saunders, P.: Russia's
Transition Is Over, Reprinted from The Moscow Times, 23 February 2001
An Agenda for Renewal:
US-Russia Relations, Carnegie Institute, December 2000
This report argues for a new approach on US foreign policy
towards Russia. It's main points are to sustain the ABM-Treaty, double
the resources for the Nunn-Lugar program, disclaim NATO-enlargement before
2005, and decrease economic aid in favour for democracy aid.
Gage, M.: Looking behind
Potemkin's Wall: How American Policy has Failed Russia, Nixon Center
Working Paper, October 2000
Haass, R. (et al.): Putin's
Russia: How Should the U.S. Respond?, Heritage Institute, October 2000
(also available in pdf)
Several authors express their opinion for a different
approach on US foreign policy towards Russia. The article's titles like
"Russia: A Dangerous Place" and "Handle with Care" indicate in which
direction the author's recommendations lead.
Gaddis, John Lewis: NATO’s
Past, NATO’s Future, Yale university, August 2000
Hardt, J. P.: Russia's
Paris Club Debt: U.S. Interests, Congressional Research Service, 18
July 2000
Koybaeva, T.: Strategic
Stability and U.S.-Russian Relations, Moscow, December 1999
Ryurikov, D.: Russia
Survives, Nixon Center 1999
Allison, G. T.: Russia´s
Domestic Political Future and U.S. National Interests, Harvard University,
August 1999
Matlock, J. F.: Challenges
and Opportunities in US-Russian Relations, Institute for National Strategic
Studies, July 1999
Brusstar, J. H. and Oznobishchev, S.: U.S.-Russian
Partnership: Meeting the New Millennium, Institute for National Strategic
Studies, July 1999
Cohen, A.: Beyond
Strategic Partnership, Heritage Institute, 17 February 1999
U.S.-Russia Relations: Avoiding
a New Cold War, The Defense Monitor, No. 5, 1998
Blank, S. / Cohen, A. / Dobriansky, P. J. / Gage, M. / Freedman, R. O.
/ Sestanovich, S. and Stent, A.:
The State of Russian Foreign Policy and U.S. Policy towards Russia,
Heritage Institute, 6 April 1998
Cohen, A.: A
New Paradigm For U.S.-Russia Relations: Facing The Post-Cold War Reality,
Heritage Foundation, Washington DC, 6 March 1997
Blackwill, R. / Horelick, A. / Nunn, S.: Stopping
the Decline in US-Russian Relations, Rand Corp., 1996
Blackwill, R. D. / Dayton, K. W.: Arms
Control and the U.S.-Russian Relationship, Report of an Independent
Task Force, 1996